Saturday 3 November 2012

Raindrops in the dark

Trip number four. And I'm still waiting to fly out. Maybe this time. Then again, this was the first time I sailed in. To Bergen. if you were to believe the reputation, it rains all the time in Bergen. Actually it is quite a well deserved reputation. I've just been unusually lucky for the most part :). Not on the sail in through the fjords though...

It was about as miserable as you could imagine. Grey, cold, blustery and wet. And I thoroughly enjoyed the meandering sail in through the waterways leading into port that look like so many cracks that have opened up on the earth and let in the sea.

There's something about sailing a ship through channels in low visibility. Dense fog is a bit of an overkill, you can't see anything. But this sort of misty low lying cloud thing, that hangs like a curtain a mile out and leaves a small bit of the world open to your eyes, it's what I sometimes imagine to be at the heart of all things nautical. You never can see a lot. But whatever you see, is everything there is :). Or so it seems anyway.

Anyway. Finished with the the American Gods re-read. But that's about it as far as the reading goes. Since hitting port I've had a couple of nice walks into town with the sun shining gamely in the face of the increasingly hostile cold. But for the most part it has been a mind numbing succession of things to get done. Now! Every moment a reminder that there's something not being attended to, a something that will soon rear its head in anger :-<.

Oh well. There's always suddenly discovered cool music to fall asleep to.

Currently: 11, 10, 9...
Listening to: The National - ADA


  1. Hi! I just randomly stumbled on your blog. Do tell, are the photos taken by you? They're amazing.

  2. Okay I'm not done yet. Just checked your profile after realizing your URL included Coldplay lyrics. You like Coldplay, The Fray, Aerosmith, all?! This must be the first time I've accidentally found a blog I'll actually start reading. This is interesting.

  3. :) yes, the photos are mine. and thank you!
