Listening to: Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
... although you know that one day you will die, you live as if you wont.
Tuesday, 31 January 2006
Light to dark to light
Listening to: Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
Sunday, 29 January 2006
Twinkle twinkle
Listening to: Daniel Powter - Bad day
Thursday, 26 January 2006
My name is...
Listening to: Placebo - Pure morning
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Holy Yangon!

Still rather in awe of Shwedagon the next morning, I embarked upon my first ever helicopter flight! The most radical difference, as might be obvious to anyone with half a working mind, is in the takeoff. There's no long taxi-ing, no violent thrust of the powerful jets being brought to full power, no sudden upward surge. Instead, what there is, is a violent shuddering as the overhead rotor slowly builds up to max speed, a slight tentative roll along the runway, and then one is simply spirited off the ground. I actually had to look out of the window to reassure myself that we were indeed airborne! And at the end of the hour-long flight I finally saw the ship the way I've seen it in so many pictures: from high above! Quite a wonderful crew change actually, in the end..
Current Mood: quite happy actually!
Listening to: U2 - All because of you
Sunday, 22 January 2006
Making up
Today I had decided that I'd stay in and concentrate on how to fit in at least one more book into the allotted 10 kgs, and a long overdue haircut (self-administered of course). However, having found out that my agent had refused to pay for my ticket, I had to drag myself out, absolutely unwillingly, for one final trip on the metro. As luck would have it, the airline office was just off the only metro station I had never been to before, Chandni Chowk.
Thankfully, I managed to get my ticket at last, after double, no, triple verification of my passport, visa, guarantee letter and a secondary ID, and headed to the nearby Esplanade. Something about the city skyline against the deep crimson of sunset pulled me away from the metro station. I found myself walking rather aimlessly along the wide roads of south-central Kolkata. Not that aimlessly actually. From the Esplanade, one can see three rather remarkable features of the Kolkata skyline: Shahid Minar, the four stupendous floodlight columns of the Eden Gardens and the Vidyasagar Setu (2nd Hoogly Bridge), and I was gravitating towards each of these in turn.
Eden was sadly dark, floodlights dead. And by the time I reached the banks of the Hoogly, a good 40-minute walk later, the lights were beginning to twinkle from across the expanse of inky water. Huge black shapes metamorphosing into barges, tiny ferries with lanterns precariously hanging on their masts, an unending streeam of cars with their headlamps flickering across over the bridge, but all mercifully out of earshot. Only the silent river flowing slowly by, and the city churning with it's usual business, leaving this little bit of pavement by the river in peace. Until of course the local went thundering by along the tracks barely 10 metres away :). What did sadden me a little though, was the total absense of lights on the unmistakable iron superstructure of Rabindra Setu (Howrah Bridge). Ah well, something to look forward to when I get back from the ship!
Feeling: thankful
Listening to: Coldplay - Yellow
Friday, 20 January 2006
Crew change blues
It all started with my logistics coordinator forgetting that I'm supposed to go onboard. By the time he did realise, I was already rather late in applying for my relevant visa (for Myanmar in this case). In between fulfilling requirements for another visa, running around for doctor's appointments, getting X-ray'd, dealing with a jittery visa agent and a seemingly clueless office support system, I was beginning to despair of getting the visa on time. Then of course there was a fair amount of confusion about what that 'on time' time was in the first place. Eventually I did manage to get both, my visa and my final flight details to Yangon. But this wasn't the end.
If all this wasn't enough I found out today, after arguing for a good half hour with some shockingly dumb people at the CCU I-A counter, that my ticket hasn't been paid for yet! So now I'm just praying that I manage to somehow get to Yangon on schedule, and not end up like this...

Feeling: jumpy
Listening to: Cake - Comfort eagle
Thursday, 19 January 2006
Of bricks, old and new.
The place has changed!! A lot!!! For a little while I was totally confused, there were so many tall new buildings all around, I could barely find our old apartment building. Sad fact I came to realize, our terrace was no longer the vantage point it used to be. You can probably not even see the horizon anymore, the distant fields, the single railway track with the goods trains chug-chugging along, Panchet hill, behind which the sun used to set everyday, the chimney's and flares of IISCo like tiny black candlesticks... Couldn't go check it out myself, didn't recognise any of the names on the row of letterboxes, none of my earlier neighbours seem to have stuck around.
Driving down the all too well known S B Gorai Road, passing by shops and stores, some old (a few of them even older than me maybe) but mostly new, saw my mum's old school, the Kalibari, lots of new highrises and all the old ruts and potholes :-<. Went knocking on a few doors, doorsteps I've had a good hand in wearing out over some ten years. None of my friends were around, out of town working, doing their MBA's or PhD's. I was surprised how many of their parents remembered me breaking something or other at their houses though /:).
To round off my trip I went visiting my old schools. Too bad it was after class hours at both schools, but I dont think I'd have recognised too many people anyway. Not many of my teachers are around any more. But the classrooms, the old burnt brick buildings, the huge playgrounds, they are very much around. And given that they've been around for over a century now, they'll probably be around for some more time.

Current Mood: happy . . . ish
Listening to: Damien Rice - The blower's daughter
Monday, 16 January 2006
Let's party!!

Feeling: tranquil
Listening to: Dido - White flag
Quote of the day: Darkness is: Death's ignorance, and the Devil's time >:)!!
Sunday, 15 January 2006
Today's realizations:
- I hate Indian classical vocal :(. Don't get me wrong! I absolutely love classical instrumental! But vocal, I cannot stand (my third visit to a concert within the week has proved this beyond all reasonable doubt).
- Despite cribbing endlessly about my jobless state at home, with barely a week to go to crew change, I find that I'd actually hate to leave.
- I need to shed weight. Pronto! For the first time in my life I couldn't fit into a pair of trousers that weren't too short for me :((.
- I should never drive a car (in real life that is) right after I've been playing NFS Underground 2 for a good 3 hours at a stretch. It actually says a fair bit about my parents' confidence in my driving that a few truncated exclamations an a few more raised eyebrows were all I had to deal with for the performance I put up :D.
- In case I get my Myanmar visa within the week, this will be the last Sunday I'm not working my ass off on till March :-<.
- (edit) And somebody's flicked my Pirates of the Caribbean CDs X-(!!!!
Listening to: Porcupine Tree - Russia on ice
Saturday, 14 January 2006
. . .
Life is fragile. Be sure to cherish it before it's too late.
Feeling: low
Listening to: Pearl Jam - Elderly woman behind the counter in a small town
Wednesday, 11 January 2006
That was the high point of the day. Errors and omissions, misunderstandings and pure stupidity... these and more, conspired to make the better part of my day a little preview into purgatory. But there's nothing like catching up with a very old friend to help unwind tightly strung nerves :). No nosey girlfriend (no offense meant, and not to generalise please), no 'issues' to avoid 'cos of that other chap lurking at the edge of the conversation, no awkward silences, for once you can talk about everything.
Hanging on in the metro in rush hour. Not like the infamous Mumbai local, but close. Snippets of conversations. Pigeons are congregating at Maidan with the ulterior motive of taking over the administration of Kolkata... Tax restructuring... What King Kong was most likely to go for if he landed in Diamond Harbour... 'Why didn't you ask me out earlier?!! Now I have to go get bored watching 15, Park Avenue with Maa!"... And some minds wrapped within their own thoughts. Some with their eyes closed. A little bit of rest while the city rages in it's familiar madness above the ground.
"Last and terminal station DumDum. Passengers are requested to vacate the compartments of the train."
Feeling: tired
Listening to: Coldplay - Square One
Monday, 9 January 2006
An ordinary end to an ordinary day.
At least on the ship when you go out on deck you have to look around a bit to figure out where the sun is in the first place :D. And there's no irritating smog to pull a haze over the good part, the bit when the bottom dips into the unending sheet of water and appears to melt into a million sparkling puddles of liquid gold.
Me: What's with the 'you' mate?
Me: Huh? What 'you'? What are you talking about?
Me: /:)
Me: Aaah! That 'you'. I dunno, you tell me.
Me: There we go again.
Me: Aww c'mon! What am I supposed to say? "I tell me"?!!
Me: :|
Me: :D
Me: :)
Me: :))
Me: =))
Me: >:)
I know, I'm bored:(.
Current Mood: slightly crazy
Listening to: Alanis Morissette - Hand in my pocket
Friday, 6 January 2006
Pure Morning.

And today I finally managed to see The Terminal, on TV! It's such a nice movie!! I know that doesn't sound like too much of a compliment... Let me try to elaborate (I can almost hear the 'uh-oh's :D). Some things, you can't be too effusive about. 'Cos that just doesn't feel right. But at the same time, it fills you with such a sense of well-being, that for a little bit you become impervious to the honking on the street outside, and the baby screaming from the apartment next door, and the cold air coming through the window you forgot to shut, and the boredom that slowly sinks it's numbing feelers into you mind until it freezes over. Okay, now I'm just getting too dramatic.
Had a fairly busy day actually. What with printing, filling, scanning visa forms and making resumes and fishing out old certificates from whatever deep dark corners I'd hidden them in, I had the great satisfaction of telling everyone bothering to listen: no, I am not sitting at my comp doing time-pass all day, I am working!!! >:)
Right, so now before the aforementioned feeling of well-being deserts me, I shall go sleep early for a change!
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Old faithful

The thing I'll miss the most is my painstakingly created signature screensaver! Drawn pixel by pixel before one midsemester exam, (I was reduced to a pathetically hopeless state, trying to make sense out of the interminable series of equations going by the name of Electro Magnetic Theory I :( ) it was a thing of some pride for me. Not to mention a testimony to the depths of pointless activity a frustrated man can sink to :P.