Anyway, the prospect of the ship-to-shore chopper safety video tomorrow morning has driven all of that way back into the background :).
Listening to: Avril Lavigne - My happy ending
... although you know that one day you will die, you live as if you wont.
That dark deceptively calm looking water hid at least 2 whales that were barely a hundred metres or so from the ship :(. They were there for all of 20 minutes, then I got to the bridge, and they promptly disappeared!
The other, rather substantially more nasty thing that happened to me today was a full blown attack of 'Hot English Mustard'! The tiniest smatterring in my sandwich, and I had the most horrid sensation ever inflicted upon me by any kind of food!! The closest I can come to comprehending the symptoms is that it felt like I was being throttled, being forced to sneeze and being scalped, all at the same time :-&. And all this because I was too lazy to go get the regular mustard from the fridge :-<.
Well, there's still some good news, now it's just 6 more days and a wake-up :D.
Feeling: terrorized... by food /:)
Listening to: The Waifs - Highway one