Wow! I got the feeling it was hardly any time at all, but the calendar insists it was over two weeks, my latest trip back to Bombay :D. Timed it pretty well, met a whole bunch of people! Some I'd hardly met before, and some I hadn't in
ages :). And yes, despite working for the same company for the last 3 and a half years, this was the first time Bolli and I managed to meet up in, like, forever :D.

It was nice to get a little quiet time on campus before the MoodI madness set in :D. This time around I got the hang of it, get to campus and try and avoid the biggest crowds, stay on the fringes, the fringes are good :D. One of the cool bits was eavesdropping on the Porcupine Tree concert the first night, of course!! Was a bit sad that I didn't catch them playing
Even Less but then there was
Hatesong, Blackest Eyes, Lazarus, the rather tired version of
Trains and
Russia on Ice (albeit truncated) to make up for it. There was also a lot of stuff from the latest album.

The coolest thing though, IMO, was the
Moriarty gig! It was at a much smaller venue, but the thing was totally electric!!! (I refer to the atmo here, though several of the instruments were too, of course.) I am now definitely a fan :). It was also hilarious to see how foreign band type people keep calling the festival Indigo Mood :P. I wonder why that is.

Among the highlights of my stay would be the many, many trips down to Powai lake, mostly around sunset. And the one trip that did materialise to the top of SAMEER hill and consequently the view of the sun setting across the campus as the thumping festival music made its way up to us.

Then there were the night-outs (nights-out? nightouts?)! I was genuinely surprised to see I can still pull these off, especially with absolutely no good reason :D. Then again, turning bits of your life upside down, inside out, and shaking them a little to see what falls out, how could anyone consider that no good reason, eh?! :) Or bulldozing through
Ender's Game for that matter! That is one really awesome read!

And there was that very very long awaited trek!! Okay, so not all the protagonists were present, and a last minute change in destination meant that
the long awaited trek is still awaited... But there was
a trek, to Naneghat, a place I'd been to, years back! It was a little touch and go, what with getting lost in broad daylight and what not, but we did make it to the top and back without too much trouble. :)

I suppose
Avatar must get a mention here, what with the two times we managed to go see it and the bunch of other failed attempts afterwards :P. I really like that movie! Nice mushy plot and loads of action with just about the most awesome visualisation ever :). This is what movies should be like, full on entertainment :D.

In between I was kept fully updated on the goings on in the cricket world, and managed to prove with reasonable accuracy that one of the requirements for India to win a match is that I do not watch :|. I was so busy with all the rest of it, however, that I totally missed out on the news of Brittany Murphy's sad and untimely demise :(. I quite liked her!

I guess I could go on and on about the trip, but that wasn't really what this was all about though. It wasn't about going around doing things, to be more specific. It was about being lazy and letting things just, you know, happen :). With that in mind, I must say it turned out to be rather hectic :D.

I should do this more often! (I know, I keep saying this, and it never happens.) Even at every other year end, it makes for a pretty awesome punctuation mark :). Sort of a little time out. From the order of things. Work, home, even vacations. And a bit of a look at how things stand. With a little help from a few other eyes.

But I'm beginning to wonder, how much longer can I hold on to this one anchor? That's the shitty thing with getting older isn't it? Things changing. Then again, you wouldn't really want it the other way either, right?
Currently: freezing in Cal, go figure!
Listening to: Farhan Akhtar - Pichhle saat dinon mein