As it turned out, I ended up extending my stay on the Trident a total of three days. Yes, it wasn't fun, but hey, those were about the quietest laziest days I'd had all trip! So that was nice, being able to take the time to take a look around. And then I was off on my first helo ride in eighteen months!

This is supposed to be a short break for me, barely a couple of weeks left. Assuming I get the visa in time that is. Ah yes, my favourite travel prerequisite strikes again! Turns out I'm headed for Angola again. Those who've read some of my posts from about three years ago would know exactly how that makes me feel... I have been told, however, that there is a new airport in Luanda. I will reserve judgement for now.

A new boat, a new crew, lots of things and people I don't know the first thing about, and all that in waters that bring back the worst memories. Seems like the new year is about to get to a fun start :(. But let's ignore that for the moment.

It looks like I never quite managed to get to writing about those last couple of days in Lisbon, neither did I manage that detailed account of the surfing and diving trip from last break. I can only say that this year seems to have pulled the throttle wide open and left me somewhat out of breath right at the end!

It's been one of those years, I bounced around all over the place! For work, and otherwise, come to think of it. Starting with the mountains and desert trails of Saudi Arabia and the Connecticut snow, through the seriously insane distances driven on interstate highways, Mexico, the cruise through the Med and that week spent mostly in or around water at Mulki and Murudeshwar, and finally the utterly crazy last trip on the Trident and festive times spent at home. It's been a year with a bit of everything. Except office rotations, of course :).

I figure there isn't much point saving up these photographs for later, so this is pretty much all that I've been waiting to put up for the last couple of months.

Let's hope the new year brings more moments worthy of photographs (and that I'm in a position to click 'em as they come :D). And while I'm only too aware of the dangers of getting what I ask for, I wouldn't mind another year of (hopefully) nice surprises and crazy travelling and running into all those people I want to run into, somewhere, somehow.

Happy New Year! :)
Currently: crossing fingers
Listening to: Adele - Someone like you