May really did go by fast! I mean it's not gone yet, but pretty much. And the last four or so weeks feel like a bit of a blur! For one thing, the weather's definitely been looking up. Then down, then up again :). We've been out on the bikes! And I've even started cautiously heading back to the office to work! Then of course there was the Norwegian National Day that will probably remain one of the most talked about 17th of Mays for some time!
As the mercury has been creeping up, the numbers of Covid-19 infections in Norway have been dropping. To the point when eventually all kids are allowed back to schools, sports activities are starting up and people are no longer being actively discouraged from workplaces. Social distancing, of course, is here to stay.

It's been kinda nice going back into the office. Even if it's only once a week. (And even then I avoid the rush hour and have generally had plenty of space on the train.) Discussions are really so much better, easier and fulfilling in person. At the same time, there's plenty of good things to be said about working from home too! A lack of distractions, for example :). But there I'm probably in a minority. Either way, the last few months might have some long lasting effects on how we work. Whether for better or for worse of course, remains to be seen.

The weather has been inviting more often than not. And we have definitely made use of it :). The fact that the sunlight now stretches far beyond end of work time helps no end! It has been pretty windy quite a lot of the time though.

The National Day weekend suffered no such blemish! Forced to abandon the usual children's parades all over the country, people came up with all sorts of new ways to celebrate, from classic car parades, boat parades, balcony parties and even the Royal family taking to the streets in open topped cars to greet often completely surprised people. The list is long. And I wonder, if some of these new ways of celebrating might just stick around!
We celebrated by heading out for a walk in the neighbourhood. We watched the band from the local schools parade around the locality being cheered on by people from their balconies or doorsteps. One of the car parades wound its way nearby, so we went to watch that too! Waved at some classic, and some not quite so classic cars :). And then of course, there was the obligatory ice-cream :).
It's been nice being out on the bike again! So far it's only been a few trips, but it feels promising :). Having seemingly exhausted the opportunities of exploration within walking range, it's only natural to take to some wheels! And I'm already starting to feel my legs, shoulders and well, everything in general, beginning to get back into the rhythm of cycling :).

On the other hand, reading seems to have taken a bit of a darker turn. I'm blaming this squarely on the books. First there was I am Pilgrim. I mean, the whole terrorist thriller thing should have warned me of course. I'm generally not a huge fan of the genre. Still, it was a pretty fast read. The first person omniscient narrative style really had me missing Steven Erikson :). But what can you do? At least now I've knocked off yet another unread book from my bookshelf!

And then I moved on to The Thirst. So, I have read Jo Nesbø before. Two of his Harry Hole books, in fact. But it's been a few years. I'm not sure if my taste for grisly, gritty thrillers has just deserted me or it this one is way darker than The Bat or The Redbreast. Anyhow. I'm about a third of the way in. And while I've definitely been pulled into the plot and really want to know what happens next, there's a part of me that will be quite relieved to just be done with it :|.

In the mean time, there's all the sunshine and cycling (fingers crossed :D) to keep life happy!