Well, I did get on the boat quite alright. Perfect helo weather and all. Minus my bag. But the bag story is far from over :|. So I got to the boat, right, with a little bag of the bare necessities (which, it turns out, aren't all that much :|) stuffed into an extra backpack that another late joiner to the boat just happened to be carrying :D, and called up the baggage people at the airport, fully expecting a request to fill out their claim form. Instead, I was told that my bag had arrived, and had been sent to the hotel! Probably an hour before, or after I left. I still haven't been able to establish which :|.
And after a week, and another late joiner travelling through the same hotel, and promises that my bag would be with me by the end of the week at the very latest, I still don't have it. That was 4 days back. Now I can only hope that it is in fact still at the hotel, hopefully, intact. As for the rest, I can quite clearly say, thus far, I'm only really missing my flip-flops :).
Right, gloating time :P. I was actually quite sure there would be no Fantasy posts this season. But obviously, when earlier in the day the last games of the opening week were done, and I saw the league listings.. :D. It may only be the first week and what not, but I'm on top!! And by a hefty margin too! :))
Getting uncomfortably close to that landmark I've always felt ambivalently about... That doesn't really narrow things down now, does it? :) Well, we'll get there when we get there.
Currently: wondering
Listening to: Aerosmith - Jaded