Almost there now! And since the end is in sight, I'm desperate to avoid last minute stumbles! Oh yes, there's plenty of possibilities still :|.
I've only just realised that this trip I have clicked hardly any photos at all! I guess I can blame it squarely on the weather. And the shared cabin :P. What was supposed to be 3 days, turned into the rest of the trip... Oh well, it should only be 2 more now :).
There was a little bit when I thought we were headed to Madagascar next! But now that possibility is fading fast. Unfortunately, I think.
Out of both the basketball and the foosball tournaments :). It was fun while it lasted, I guess.
Still waiting to see if the return of MSC to the F1 time-sheets will materialise in the end. Should be interesting. Turns out I completely missed out on all the action on that race weeked, what with Massa's crash and all that. It didn't even strike me till much later that Hamilton winning was a really surprising thing! :D
Now the question is, should I book my flights out of the US? Anyone know if outbound flights are required for entry on a B1/B2 visa? :P
Oh yes, I'm finally planning on using that visa I got about 2 years back!! :D
Currently: on the home stretch!
Listening to: Stereophonics - Just looking
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