Finding yourself out on the back deck at midnight on 1st Jan probably isn't the best start to the year. But as a friend pointed out, it's likely that the year would get better from that point :). Thus far, I can't disagree.
Even managed a boat trip, a first this trip. If only the weather had been better. It's been quite unusually rough actually! The Red Sea's normally supposed to be a pretty calm place. I guess heading further towards the Gulf of Aden hasn't helped our cause any on that front. Thus far it has also not helped my luck with sighting any of the supposedly prolific Red Sea Shark :|.
Can't say a whole lot is happening. The wind's howling and the waves are thrashing about the resolute bow of the ship. But within there's a sense of quiet.
For a number of reasons, my reading's stalled a little. I'm not too distressed. The days seem to be slipping past regardless. Rather contrary to the usual, I almost caught myself thinking about New Year resolutions. :)) It would appear that few of the things I really want to happen this year allow much by way of direct intervention from myself :).
Bright blue skies and white-capped rollers. Not a combination you get to see often. How much longer will we be in this part of the world? Months? Years? What about just me?
Feeling: repressed anxiety blues
Listening to: The Weepies - Be my thrill/ Vitamin String Quartet - Back in black
PS: It appears that the last of the Christmas and New Year decorations on the boat have been taken down... At least now I have a choice of portholes to look out of the mess again :).
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