Monday, 30 September 2019

Lengthening shadows and changing colours

It's been an oddly two-paced sort of month. The weather has definitely taken a turn for the cold and wet. The days have gotten shorter (although not so short as to make me miss Indian weather just yet), the nights darker. Overall then, definitely into supplementary Vitamin D neighbourhood.

On the other hand, there has been the occasional break in the clouds, fantastic bright sunny days, blue skies mirroring blue water. And while the whole 'I shall strive to be active this summer' thing never really happened (I mean I strove, valiantly and largely in my day-dreams, just not in the real world :P), we nevertheless managed to enjoy some of the nice weather.

Given the weather though, (yes, that's the excuse I'm going to stick to) TV has been very much a go to chill-out option :D. Rediscovering the joy of such series as White Collar and Life on Mars, while at the same time following Maria's continuing starring turn on the Norwegian Sewing Bee (NRK Symesterskapet)!

Since finishing with the Malazans (for now), I've decided to work through the not particularly short stack of unread books already sitting on my bookshelves. Minus the three and a half unread books from Song of Ice and Fire because, well, I don't trust GRRM to finish what he's started, and would really hate to go into the series not knowing if there will ever be an end in proper (i.e. book) form.

First was the second part of Stephen Fry's Mythos trilogy - Heroes. And much like the first part, I liked it, but that was about all one could say. In some ways though, the books together make more sense than individually, in my head. Looking at the Greek myths spanning the arc of 'history', so to speak, is way more interesting for me than just reading them as stories. I do hope he releases the last part as a book in the not distant future.

And finally we come to Ready Player One. This is one of that rare breed of book where I saw the film, liked it quite a lot, and more or less because of that decided to get the book! Yup, dangers galore of the heightened expectations killing the reading experience. Not so far, I must say. I mean there are bits of it I like more than others. (That attempted pseudo-romantic interlude was particularly pathetic I thought, unless there turns out to be some relevant plot point that it contributes to later on. Although I'm not holding my breath.) The best thing was that pretty much into the first couple of chapters I'd figured this was a rather different story compared to the film. Which is better? Well, I've got a few more pages before I decide for sure :).

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