Sunday, 31 October 2021

All those colours, blowing in the wind

What can one say really, that can sum up the feeling after returning home from a truly fantastic holiday? :) Well, it was good to be back :D. Jokes aside, I have to say that the trip to England was the best thing ever! Nothing really beats spending quality time with family.

Once we were back though, I was happy to see that the autumn colours weren't done for the year here in Asker! In fact the last few weeks we've enjoyed an unusually gradual shift through the yellows, oranges and reds as finally, come the end of October, most deciduous trees have shed their leaves.

It's made for a pretty good backdrop to several long walks while we've been making the most of some pretty gorgeous weather on the weekends!! But there's nothing hiding the fact that the days are invariably getting shorter and shorter.

We even had an early dump of snow! So there's always more of that to look forward to. At least I hope so. But I'm also hoping any more snow shows up after I've managed to switch over the winter tyres :). It'll be interesting to see how this winter pans out. In more ways than one.

On the books front, I decided to pick up The View from the Cheap Seats after some years. It was fun dipping back into Gaiman non-fiction briefly :). Before long, it was time for the latest book club offering, The Shroud Solution. About which, to be honest, the less said the better. Browsing through the racks of the library yesterday though, I found the sequel I'd pretty much forgotten I'd wanted to read: Ready Player Two.

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