Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Changes! Changes!

Man! 2024 feels like it's been going for absolutely ages! By the end of the first week I was already feeling like we were at least two or three weeks in, and I know for a fact that I've not been alone in thinking this :). It's been good though!

Coming back from the UK on the evening of New Year's Day, we faced record amounts of snow! Like literally amounts of snow on the ground around our neighbourhood I've never seen before! Luckily some friendly neighbour(s) had cleared enough of a way for us to wade home without much trouble!

Perfect skiing conditions right?! Indeed! And we did manage to go out once the first week. Since then, not even once.

With the move looming, and much to do - cleaning up the floors, walls and ceiling, plastering, painting, getting skirting boards fitted, not to mention packing... the list of tasks felt endless, the time short. Yet somehow, with a lot of help from friends, we managed to move in to the new apartment a week and a half ago!

Still feels crazy, but I have to say I'm really getting used to the new place already :D. Good sign right? I certainly think so! I mean, there's loads and loads to get sorted. Plus we kinda have to wait till the spring before the garden stuff can even begin to get excavated from under the absolutely monumental amounts of snow that we've seen this January!

Unfortunately the weather's turned quite unpredictable and generally warmer and wetter since the move, so the temptation to rush off on our skis hasn't been pressing :). (Or fortunately, if you account for the fact that it only changed after we'd moved!) 

Hopefully things will cool down a bit before long though, and we'll get to make some more use of the snow. I mean, I did decide I'd had enough of my feet freezing, and bought a brand new pair of x-country boots, so, really hope to be able to use them this season :).

I suppose one thing with moving not many people focus on is the place one is leaving behind. Somehow, that part hasn't quite sunk in. As I said, there's a bunch of stuff left, mostly garden/summer things, the bikes, the summer wheels... things that we couldn't finish sorting through. Going back to pick up or drop off things, or water the plants, brings back the sense of "we're back"...

I guess I've been thinking a lot recently about the nature of things. Things begin, then grow, dwindle and end. We seem to automatically assume that the first two are good and the last two are not. Which is not necessarily the truth, life consists of all these things. Finding a way to embrace them is probably important. 

Things change, change for the better doesn't necessarily make everything that came before bad :). All to say that I've really appreciated the nearly eleven years spent in the old flat, and looking forward to the new :).

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