Saturday, 30 November 2024

Bright shadows and a cold sun

It's been an oddly mild winter so far. I mean, it's dark and miserable, but until fairly recently, it's stayed above freezing. And even after did freeze for a bit, the temperatures seem to be headed up to high single digits (°C that is). Weird. What it also means of course, is that there's no snow to ease the general darkness and misery. Oh well.

November seems to have come and gone without me really noticing. It hasn't helped that I feel like I've been tired or ill or both for a lot of it. Despite my best intentions of not letting life pass by and just wishing for some point in the future when it'll all be alright, I feel like I may have done exactly that. Hoping for the Christmas break that's less than a fortnight away now.

I have to say though, having sunlight coming straight into the flat for about as long as it's up at this time of the year is a massive blessing! And by a quirk of geometry the low sun is perfectly posed above the next door hill, but below the edge of the balcony above, meaning I get a nice direct dose of it whenever I'm working from home :). (Assuming the world isn't all engulfed in fog or low clouds of course, but hey, it's best to look for the positives!)

On the book front, it's oddly somewhat like last year. I find myself not really making as much of a headway through Milk Teeth as I'd hoped. The writing continues to be very good. But I think the subject matter tends towards the heavy. And given the general state of my mind, I find myself shying away from it. But what better weather than to be at home and reading right? So I decided to park MT and explore further afield.

Volume eight of the Monstress series has been out for a bit, so I got that out of the library. Also got volume seven, just to get a bit of the immediate background :). They were both fun enough reads. I noticed various bits in Devourer (vol. 7) that I didn't remember. Although whether that was because I'd not noticed the first time around or just forgotten, I do not know.

Inferno (vol. 8) was entertaining enough, set as it is almost entirely in a different world. I feel though, that reading these one (or two) at a time with long gaps in between doesn't get me as excited about the story or the characters as the first proper run through the first six volumes. And now I see volume nine is out (although unavailable through the library). Maybe I should look up how many volumes are planned, and just wait till they're all out :).

Since then though, I've gotten rather sucked into the weird and wonderful The Library at Mount Char. Recommended to be by a colleague off the back of how much I enjoyed The Murderbot Diaries, I'm already about a third of the way in! It is definitely weird though! Ultraviolent isn't maybe the best way to describe it, but is certainly one aspect. The plot starts off intriguing, and then gets somewhat layered and convoluted, but now I'm beginning to think the twists are beginning to make sense?! I guess we shall see.

Ah! Almost forgot! Have I mentioned Lucifer? It's what's brought some level of fun to the dreary evenings lately! Based (loosely, if at all) on the Sandman offshoot graphic novel series, the TV series does seem to have just the right amount of fun to lighten these times :).

As for rest of life, hopefully the next couple of weeks will bring more bright spots than dreary ones, and then I am very definitely looking forward to the work Christmas party which would herald the beginning of my end of year break :). Until then.

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